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Dhaka National Medical College (DNMC) Claimed


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Overview of Dhaka National Medical College (DNMC) Dhaka

The Dhaka National Medical College inherits her glorious predecessor the Dhaka National Medical Institute, which was established in 1925 as a part of the Non-cooperation movement of the Indian Sub-continent against the British colonial rule, organized jointly by the Indian National Congress and the Indian Muslim League under the Leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, Mawlana Muhammad Ali and Mawlana Sawkat Ali.

Along with other programs, the Non-cooperation movement urged the People of the sub-continent to boycott educational institutions established and administered by the British Govt. and to establish National Schools, Colleges, and Institutes for modern scientific education by the local people themselves. Accordingly, two Medical Schools were established in the Bengal Province for producing National Doctors of modern medicine. One such Medical School was at Calcutta, named Calcutta National Medical Institute, and the other at Dhaka, named Dhaka National Medical Institute.

A rule was made by the Govt. of Bangladesh for the Dhaka National Medical Institute Hospital (DNMIH) that a Management Board will be formed henceforth for every four years of its proper administration and a yearly financial grant will be allotted for the hospital according to the need assessed by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Bangladesh. The initial financial grant for the Hospital was Taka two crore yearly. Now it is Tk. Five Crore. In return, the hospital shall treat 40% of its patients for free.

Description Amount in $USD
Seat Booking Time $ 5,000
At the time of Admission $ 15,000
1st  Installment June 2021 $ 5,000
2nd Installment December 2022 $ 5,000
Tuition Fee per month $ 300×60
Hostel Fee & Food $100 Dollars per month $ 100×60
In Words:-USD Thirty-Eight Thousand Dollars Only $ 54,000


Q When was Dhaka National Medical College established?

Dhaka National Medical College was established in 1994.

Q Is it recommended to study Tashkent Medical Academy.

Dhaka National Medical College is located in Dhaka,Bangladesh.

Dhaka National Medical College is affiliated from Dhaka University.

Q What is the fees structure of Dhaka National Medical College ?

The fees structure of Dhaka National Medical College is 54000$ (TOTAL PACKAGE).

Q From where is Dhaka National Medical College affiliated?
