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Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College (BBMC) Claimed


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Overview of Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College (BBMC)

Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College (BBMC) is a prestigious private medical institution with affiliation to the University of Dhaka. It is  located in a quiet and serene nvironment in the heart of Munshiganj Srinagar on 8.10 acre of land. The construction of a 3 storied new modern building covering an enormous area of one lac twenty three thousand square feet with all modern amenities is already completed and academic activities have already been started.

  1. It is run by the skilled  senior and skilled teachers who had highest degree in medical science.
  2. It has largest auditorium as a part of academic purpose.
  3. It has multiple lecture gallery equipped with digitalsound system and multimedia.
  4. All lecture gallery and auditorium are air conditioned.
  5. It has largest library, where large numbers of medical books of international standard and various scientific journals are present.
  6. Library is equipped with WiFi.
  7. It has a modern laboratories for practical teaching.
  8. Students are divided into small groups for teaching as a part of small group teaching method.
  9. It has seperate biys and girls hostel with all modern facilities in its own campus and is supervised by senior teachers.
  10. For the mental and cultural development of students it arranges yearly cultural week, debate compeition, study tour, picnic, indoor and outdoor games.
SL No.  Particulars USD
01. At the time of Seat
but adjustable)
02. At the time of Admission $ 13,000.00
03. Within 30th June 2023 $ 3,000.00
04. Within 31st December 2023 $ 3,000.00
05. Within 30th June 2024 $ 3,000.00
06. Within 31st December 2024 $ 3,000.00
07. Within 30th June 2025 $ 3,000.00
Total= $ 30,000.00


Q When was Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College established?

Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College was established in 1994.

Q Where is Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College located?

Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College is located in Munshiganj,Bangladesh.

Q From where Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College affiliated?

Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College is affiliated from University of Dhaka.

Q What is the eligibility criteria for admission in Bikrampur Bhuiyan Medical College?

60% in PCB

Minimum 7 GPA Marks in 10th & 12th
